On 02/05/2010 13:34, Lukáš Duběda wrote:
Hi there everyone,

first off, congratulations for pushing the IPy Tools out! KUDOS!

Now, I have a problem installing it, unfortunately :( I'm sure I'm
doing something wrong as I have almost zero experience with
Visual Studio.

I went to the MS site and downloaded what seemed to be an obvious choice
a Visual Studio 2010 Express for C#,

Visual Studio Express does not allow you to install extensions like IPy Tools. Fortunately IPy tools works with the Visual Studio Isolated Shell that can be installed "standalone", without a Visual Studio install.



I installed it and downloaded the
Iron Python extension. However, as soon as I "doble-click" on the
IronPythonTools.vsix I get this message:
"This extension is not installable on any currently installed products".

Anyone knows why this is? Am I missing some additional piece of the
package? I installed everything except for the MSQL server stuff
from the vcs_web.exe package.

Thanks a lot in advance for any tips and hints, cheers,

Lukáš Duběda
[T] +420 602 444 164

duber studio(tm)
[M] i...@duber.cz
[W] http://www.duber.cz

[A] R.A.Dvorského 601, Praha 10
[A] 10900, Czech Republic, Europe
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