Steve wrote:
> I've been collating some little things into a single email rather than
> spamming the list. These are roughly organised in order of annoyance,
> and none are show-stoppers by any measure.

Bulk is nice and thanks for the reports!

> When completion auto-commits (Ctrl+Space --> word is completed, no
> dropdown) Enter cannot be pressed until another completion is started
> and ended.

I've got a fix for this.

> Characters '(', ')', ',', ':', '.' should commit completions (if there
> is a match, otherwise keep whatever was typed).

I think we really want a "Committed by typing the following characters:" 
option like C# has.  I would also propose that maybe the default should
be: {}[]().,:;+-*/%&|^~=<>#'"\   That's effectively what C# has minus
a couple of things which aren't very applicable to Python.  I've got this
implemented now so it'll be in the next release.

> Completions should not start within strings (single-line strings
> aren't recognised as strings until the closing quote is added).

Can you give an example of exactly what you type to make this happen?  I
can't currently repro it.

> Tooltip for first parameter doesn't always disappear when moving to
> the next parameter (ie. typing ',').

Do you know what sort of callable this was on?   E.g. a built-in function
or a Python function or something else?

> Keyword tooltips only parse from the character hovered over to the end
> (ie. hover over 'r' in print shows "rint", over 'e' in def shows "ef",
> etc.).
> Whitespace immediately before a real number shows tooltip for the integer
> part.
> Tooltip for an equals sign immediately followed by a number shows
> '=<ipart(number)>: tuple'

These 3 are actually all the same basic issue - to provide the tooltip we
need to parse backwards and when we fail to recognize any expression we
are currently returning the starting span.  I've made it so we won't display
a tooltip in any of these cases.

> (I raise these mainly in case the underlying parser is at fault and
> having effects elsewhere.)
> Overlapping spans for tooltips when trigger point is the closing
> bracket of a function (the span applies to whole function call -
> moving the mouse within this span also triggers tooltips for
> arguments).

I've changed this so that we'll no longer provide a tool tip here if
we are at the end of a function definition.  What's really going on here
is that we're recognizing this as a call to the function and we're providing
the full call expression as the tooltip.  I think this also cleans up some
other behaviors with us providing completions while you're entering a new
function definition.
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