Thanks for reporting these and sorry for the delay in the response - it's been
a busy week so far!  I now have fixes for all of these except for the completion
cannot be committed issue checked in so they'll be in the next release.  I'll
keep an eye out for the completion not committing issue as well.  Keep the 
coming if you can! :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:users-
>] On Behalf Of Steve Dower
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:06 PM
> To: Discussion of IronPython
> Subject: [IronPython] IronPy Tools for VS - Bugs #2
> Another set, this time with some slightly more helpful repro steps (I hope).
> An exception is added to the devenv log file when triggering a
> completion on an 3rd-level import (ie. import
> moduleA.moduleB.<exception> or from moduleA.moduleB import
> <exception>):
> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance
> of an object. at
> Microsoft.PyAnalysis.Values.Namespace.AddReference(Node node,
> AnalysisUnit unit) at
> Microsoft.PyAnalysis.Values.ModuleInfo.GetMember(Node node,
> AnalysisUnit unit, String name) at
> Microsoft.PyAnalysis.Values.NamespaceSetExtensions.GetMember(ISet`1
> self, Node node, AnalysisUnit unit, String name) at
> Microsoft.PyAnalysis.ProjectState.GetModuleMembers(String[] names,
> Boolean bottom) at
> Microsoft.IronPythonTools.Intellisense.CompletionList.GetModules(IGlyphService
> glyphService, String text) at
> Microsoft.IronPythonTools.Intellisense.FromImportCompletionList.GetCompletions
> (IGlyphService
> glyphService) at
> Microsoft.IronPythonTools.Intellisense.CompletionSource.AugmentCompletionSessi
> on(ICompletionSession
> session, IList`1 completionSets) at
> Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.Implementation.CompletionSession.
> Start()
> at
> Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.Implementation.CompletionBroker.T
> riggerCompletion(ITextView
> textView) at
> Microsoft.IronPythonTools.Intellisense.IntellisenseController.TriggerCompletio
> nSession(Boolean
> completeWord) at
> Microsoft.IronPythonTools.Intellisense.IntellisenseController.OnPreprocessKeyD
> own(Object
> sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e) at
> Microsoft.IronPythonTools.Intellisense.IntellisensePreKeyProcessor.FireTextInp
> ut(TextCompositionEventArgs
> args) at
> Microsoft.IronPythonTools.Intellisense.IntellisensePreKeyProcessor.TextInput(T
> extCompositionEventArgs
> args) at
> Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.Implementation.KeyProcessorDispatcher.<Disp
> atchTextInputEvents>b__0(KeyProcessor
> p, TextCompositionEventArgs args) at
> Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.Implementation.KeyProcessorDispatcher.<>c__
> DisplayClass1e`1.<Dispatch>b__1a()
> at
> Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Utilities.GuardedOperations.CallExtensionPoint(Obj
> ect
> errorSource, Action call)
> Completion displays only items matching characters already typed but
> does not remember those characters if you continue to type:
> Repro steps:
> 1. Type 's' within a method where 'self' and at least one other
> variable starting with 's' are available
> 2. Press Ctrl+Space/Ctrl+J (completion dropdown appears)
> 3. Type 'elf' (the item 'self' does not become highlighted)
> 4. Delete 'elf', type 'self' (the item 'self' becomes highlighted, but
> the line reads 'sself')
> 5. Commit the completion, 'sself' is replaced by 'self'
> Typing '.' as part of an incremental search triggers completion
> Only the first completion set for imports includes project packages
> (after the first dot it falls back on members of the package specified
> so far).
> Sometimes (can't reliably reproduce) completion cannot be committed by
> keyboard (can be by mouse, and can be aborted by keyboard)
> Auto-indent keeps adding indentation for every new blank line.
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