On 26/05/2010 23:46, robinsiebler wrote:
I've looked at both of them before I posted this, but I'm just failing to
understand it I guess.

Perhaps this example would be better - it shows updating a progress bar from a calculation being run in a background thread:


All the best,


Michael Foord-5 wrote:
On 26/05/2010 22:40, robinsiebler wrote:
This is my 1st IronPython/.NET app. It is really simple, all it does is
all the files in a folder into an archive, 1 file per zip.

The problem is that when it is zipping large files 200MB+ the app stops
responding. It is still zipping files, but the UI doesn't update. I don't
know how to fix this.

If you create a form and perform any activity on the same thread that
created the form then you will block until that activity is completed.
Instead you can create a background thread and post updates to the ui
from that thread by "invoking".

If you are using Windows Forms then you might find this example of
invoking onto the gui thread useful:


There is also an example of basic threading here:


All the best,

Michael Foord

The project is here -

I think I need to add a thread to update the form, but all of my attempts
have failed. Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.


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