Keep in mind, these downloads are hosted on the website directly only while we 
have this temporary license; once the source code is released as well, the 
downloads will move to CodePlex.

That being said, the download page which redirects to the actual file is for 
tracking purposes; we use Google Analytics to track downloads, and have no way 
of tracking files that way. It's pretty easy to figure out where the redirect 
is pulling the file from; hint:<version>/IronPythonTools.vsix. Though, we can't 
track those downloads, and those stats are one of the ways we show Microsoft 
management the benefits of the project. Also, a list of versions will be at


From: [] 
on behalf of Michael Foord []
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:46 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Announcing IronPython Tools for Visual Studio CTP3

On 01/07/2010 19:34, Dino Viehland wrote:
Hello Python Community,

We are happy to announce a minor update to the IronPython Tools for Visual 
Studio.  IronPython Tools for Visual Studio (IPyTools) is a set of extensions 
available for Visual Studio 2010 which supports development of IronPython 
applications.  This release is our 3rd Community Technical Preview (CTP) and 
builds upon the previous two releases.  The release is a minor update which 
includes bug fixes and a number of small features.  You can download the latest 
release at

Can the download page please have a download link on it instead of (or as well 
as) serving the download through a refresh:

Additionally, if possible, can the downloaded file have a version number in the 
filename please. :-)


Michael Foord

There is also one major change in that the project system is no longer based 
upon the files which live on disk.  Instead we now follow the normal VS project 
model.  This means files must be explicitly added to the project and files 
which you don’t want in the project won’t automatically show up.  We made this 
change based upon feedback from people using the tool and think it will make it 
more familiar for normal Visual Studio users.  Despite this change there is 
still support for an “implicit” project when working without a project.

Like the previous release this release includes support for Intellisense 
including member completion, signature help, find all references, and goto 
definition.  It enables quick browsing of your code using the object browser 
and the editor navigation bar.  It has an interactive (REPL) window that 
enables the development of applications in an interactive way.  IPyTools 
supports lightweight development without a project as well as working with 
project files in the tradition of Visual Studio .  Opening a .py file causes 
IronPython Tools to model the code in the containing directory as an implicit 
project for Intellisense features.   There are project templates for console, 
WPF, WinForms, and Silverlight applications.  WPF applications support 
drag-and-drop UI development.  Debugging of Python applications works just like 
you debug other languages in Visual Studio.

We are still working on our final licensing terms for IronPython Tools, and as 
such this release is licensed under a temporary limited use license.  While we 
weren’t able to finalize this for this release we expect to have this finalized 
for the next release.

The full list of changes includes a number of bug fixes:
                Interactive window now respects VS color settings
                Fixed default settings for insert tabs, enter completing 
options, list of characters to complete to
                Fixed auto-indent inserting extra tabs on a blank line
                Enables usage of VS common settings for smart indentation and 
tabs and respects those options.
                Escape in REPL cancels both the intellisense session and the 
current input
                REPL: When a completion item is focused but not selective enter 
should not complete it
                REPL: We should respect the various intellisense completion 
                REPL: We should be using IronPython’s auto intending
Fix repl not respecting smart up/down on startup if the window was set to be 
REPL: Don’t allow history if the current command is still running – instead 
navigate the buffer
REPL: Enable syntax highlighting even if a command throws an exception
REPL:     Remove trailing new lines from REPL history so we go back to the last 
line of input
REPL: When pasting ensure there’s a new line
REPL: Auto indent should delete selected lines when pressing enter

There are also a few new features:
New Fill Comment Paragraph feature
Implemented auto-dedent so it will backspace # of tabs
Support for disabling intellisense via normal VS mechanism
Support for hiding “advanced” members in intellisense (currently defined as 
__abc__ members)

There is one major change:
 Removes directory based projects in favor of normal VS style projects

- The IronPython Team

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