On 02/07/2010 21:52, Dave Fugate wrote:
*From:* users-boun...@lists.ironpython.com [users-boun...@lists.ironpython.com] on behalf of Michael Foord [fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:44 PM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] Better NumPy/SciPy Support for IronPython

    On 01/07/2010 20:14, Dave Fugate wrote:

    Enthought <http://www.enthought.com/>, a company specialized in
    Python-based scientific computing solutions, announced
    <http://www.enthought.com/media/SciPyNumPyDotNet.pdf> a
    partnership with Microsoft several hours ago at the SciPy 2010
    <https://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/index.html> conference in
    which they’re porting over the NumPy and SciPy
    <http://www.scipy.org/> scientific software packages to
    IronPython.  A significant part of this effort involves
    duplicating these packages’ C-based modules in .NET.  Previously,
    these libraries could only be consumed from IronPython very
    slowly using a C to .NET bridge.

    Is there any evidence (metrics) that using the Ironclad C to .NET
    bridge is "very slow"? I can believe there are places where it is
    slower but but I've never seen enthought (or any one else) show
    metrics of this.


Hi Michael, I personally haven’t seen the performance reports on IronClad, just word of mouth (e.g., http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2009/03/19/ironclad-ironpytho/).

Well that is William being typically self-effacing. :-) In practise most of the examples I've seen have been pretty damn fast, and that article points that out too. Going from "in pathological cases it’s worse" to "only be consumed from IronPython very slowly" is quite a stretch.

Anyway, it's a serious point. It's a shame that the exciting news is being promoted by knocking Ironclad instead of celebrating it. There is another article that takes a similar tack, so I think this was part of the presentation announcing it which is very disappointing.

All the best,



      Not only will this porting effort drastically improve the
    performance of Python’s top scientific packages under IronPython,
    it’s fantastic for NumPy/SciPy in the sense that it enables an
    entirely new community of (.NET) developers to utilize and
    contribute to these libraries. Also, Enthought’s refactoring work
    will make it easier to run these packages against all
    implementations of Python, not just IronPython. It’s expected
    that NumPy will be finished by September and SciPy before the end
    of the year.

    The IronPython Team

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