On 08/07/2010 17:38, Marcin Krol wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm a relatively long-time Python user and need to develop a GUI
application with Python.
I'm waffling between PyQT and IronPython. PyQT has multiplatform
capability that is going for it. On the plus side, IronPython may be
better integrated with Windows, which will be my main target audience.
The question is, how hard is GUI programming with IronPython? Asking
bc I have very little experience with C# / .NET.
Are there any pitfalls re IronPython / Windows Forms? Is it hard for a
newbie to figure out using .NET stuff via IronPython?
IronPython and either WPF or Windows Forms is a great platform for
developing desktop applications for Windows. It's a fairly big topic.
I'd say Windows Forms is probably easier to start with but WPF is
capable of creating better looking user interfaces. IronPython in Action
has great material on both winforms and WPF, naturally. :-)
All the best,
Michael Foord
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