On 08/07/2010 17:38, Marcin Krol wrote:
Hello everyone,

Is it possible to package IronPython GUI app as standalone executable?
Anybody here doing that as a practice for production apps?

My motivation is obvious: I can't expect most users to go through
rigmarole of installing ironpython to use my app. I need to use
standard windows installer, and make an app as robust and "self-
reliant" (in the sense: independent of various system settings and
problems) as possible.

It seems that it's at least theoretically possible:

Caveats? Problems?

I'd appreciate feedback from someone who has been there and done that.

Packaging an app as an installer is a separate problem from IronPython. I've used Wix in the past for creating installers for Windows. You can use the Pyc compiler to create an executable from your IronPython application, or write a minimal C# .exe that embeds the IronPython engine and starts the app.

Both ways are pretty easy. All you need to do is include the IronPython assemblies along with your app.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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