On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Funke, Matt <matt.fu...@vishaypg.com>wrote:

> P.S.  Could you point me at instructions for building new IronPython
> implementations when there are checkins of new code?

If you want daily builds, you should extract the IronPython Bin .zip file as
your "latest-build" of IronPython. Checkout the source code from
http://ironpython.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets, and build
IronPython_Main/Solutions/IronPython.sln in the Release configuration,
either from VS or msbuild.exe directly:

> msbuild.exe IronPython_Main/Solutions/IronPython.sln

Then you can copy those binaries (in IronPython_Main/Bin/Release) on-top of
where you unzipped the IronPython Bin zip. For Silverlight binaries, build
the "Silverlight4Release" configuration and update the silverlight/bin
directory. You should also run ngen.exe on the .dll and .exe files (don't
run for Silverlight though).
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