On 11/08/2010 17:34, Andrew Evans wrote:
Hello I am running IronPython 2.7A and trying to debug a Silverlight app. I am trying to figure out why my ship doesn't move when I press the Arrow keys.

here is the complete source minus most imports :D
Put some debugging in (append text to an html div) to see if your event handlers are being fired. That would my first step.


Any ideas

from System.Windows.Input import *

velocity = 10

class Gui():
    def __init__(self):

        self.grid = Grid()
        self.canvas = Canvas(Background = SolidColorBrush(Colors.White))
        self.canvas.Width = 640
        self.canvas.Height = 432
        self.bgImage = Image(
Source = BitmapImage(Uri("images/background.jpg", UriKind.Relative))
        self.canvas.SetTop(self.bgImage, 132)
        self.canvas.SetLeft(self.bgImage, 0)
#        self.textblock = TextBlock()
##        self.textblock.FontSize = 24
##        self.textblock.Text = 'This Really Works!!'
##        self.canvas.Children.Add(self.textblock)

        self.ship = Image(
            Source = BitmapImage(Uri("images/ship.png", UriKind.Relative))

        self.canvas.SetTop(self.ship, 75)
        self.canvas.SetLeft(self.ship, 25)

        CompositionTarget.Rendering += EventHandler(self.ShootBG)
##        self.GenerateStarField(350)


        Application.Current.RootVisual = self.grid
# This line should be something different Not sure what to use instead of this
        self.ship.KeyDown += KeyEventHandler(self.KeyDown_Control)

    def ShootBG(self, s, e):
self.canvas.SetLeft(self.bgImage, self.canvas.GetLeft(self.bgImage) - 1)
        if self.canvas.GetLeft(self.bgImage) < -2110:
            self.canvas.SetLeft(self.bgImage, 0)

    def KeyDown_Control(self, s, e):
        if e.Key == Key.Right:
self.canvas.SetLeft(self.ship, self.canvas.GetLeft(self.ship) + velocity)
        elif e.Key == Key.Left:
self.canvas.SetLeft(self.ship, self.canvas.GetLeft(self.ship) - velocity)
        elif e.Key == Key.Up:
self.canvas.SetTop(self.ship, self.canvas.GetTop(self.ship) - velocity)
        elif e.Key == Key.Down:
self.canvas.SetTop(self.ship, self.canvas.GetTop(self.ship) + velocity)

gui = Gui()

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