On 28/10/2010 03:53, Steve Dower wrote:
I'll add in a vote for Mercurial (voting always seems to be how to
decide on VCS), though I still believe that SVN works better for a
contribution/review/patch workflow.

Distributed version control systems are very good for distributed development (funny that). Whilst I'm not proposing we use bzr (I would *very* much like us to use mercurial though), our workflow at Canonical with bzr and launchpad is great. You develop in a branch (branching is very easy with dcvs') and push to launchpad. On requesting a merge review you get a great web interface with viewable diff and when the merge is approved you merge back onto trunk. (Branching and merging are substantially easier with hg / bzr / git than with svn.)

Having many outstanding branches waiting for review (and keeping them up to date) and starting new branches that depend on other branches is all very easy. Having infrastructure that allows us to easily store feature branches is important for that particular workflow.

Is the plan after 2.7 to start doing 3? That seems like a good
opportunity to "start fresh" in a new repository and leave the old
stuff where it is, only carrying over the barest minimum. I can't see
any movement before 2.7 as being worthwhile.

Interesting question. Ideally we would do parallel development but I'm not sure we have the resources for that.

I'd like to see the DLR separated, but doing so does make
cross-versioning more difficult. However, following a log that has
three separate projects (assuming DLR, IronPy and IronRuby) is messy.
Patching potentially gets a lot harder as well.

I do intend to contribute, as soon as I stop breaking my own project
:) How up to date is the CodePlex issue tracker?

The issue tracker has been pretty well maintained.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 18:27, Jeff Hardy<jdha...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Currently, IronPython is hosted in a TFS repository on CodePlex
(http://ironpython.codeplex.com/), which was a copy of MS's internal
TFS repository. CodePlex also provides Subversion access, which makes
it much more bearable. CodePlex also hosts our issue tracking and wiki
pages, which probably won't change any time soon.

IronRuby's source code is hosted on github
(http://github.com/ironruby/ironruby). It's also a copy of MS's
internal TFS repository, but in git.

The interesting part is that IronRuby, IronPython, and the DLR are
hosted in the *same* repository, since they evolved together. Thus,
both the IronPython CodePlex repo and the IronRuby github repo are
basically the same.

What this is going to look like in the future is an open question, as
is the timeline. Originally, I wanted to focus on the 2.7 release and
deal with the source control question later. However, it's been raised
in a few places, so I think it's better to get some more feedback on
whether we should switch source control methods (and if so, to what?)
or just stay on TFS/SVN for the time being. Also up for consideration
is whether you consider being part of the same repo as IronRuby is
valuable, or whether IronPython should split out on its own.

We could, for example, drop the source control from CodePlex and just
use the IronRuby github repo - it's already set up and we could start
developing tomorrow (although it would probably be renamed
'ironlanguages' or something like that). It's also probably the only
option if IronPython and IronRuby are to share a repo, as, so far as I
know, the IronRuby guys have no plans on leaving github, which makes
sense for them - git is the de facto choice in the Ruby community.

In Python, however, it's not so clear-cut - Python itself will be
moving to Mercurial soon, and there are plans afoot to eventually put
the Python stdlib in a separate repo from Python itself, which will
likely also be a Mercurial repository. Thus there are advantages
(subrepos, in particular) to being on the same DVCS. On top of that,
both Michael Foord and I strongly dislike git - I prefer Mercurial,
and I imagine the coffee at Canonical will have Michael singing the
praises of bzr fairly soon :). Finally, CodePlex supports Mercurial,
and thus everything could remain there if we so wish.

However, converting the repo to Mercurial could be a difficult task -
the fate of the 1.1, 2.0, and 2.6 branches would have to be decided
(include them in the repo, or not? Their structure is radically
different from the Main branch). There are folders that could very
well be stripped (WiX, Ruby, and *3* CPython installations, not to
mention IronRuby) to save space, and with a DVCS once they're in the
history everyone has to pay that cost in disk space, forever, even if
we later remove them. The fate of the DLR would need to be decided -
do we keep a local copy, pull from IronRuby's copy, or make it a third
repo altogether?

My preference is to stick with TFS/SVN for the time being, get 2.7 out
the door (manually syncing up the DLR sources with IronRuby in the
meantime), and then look at converting to Mercurial. My second choice
would be to work out of IronRuby's git repository, get 2.7 released,
and then look at converting to Mercurial. Anything that doesn't
eventually involve Mercurial is a lot further down my list :).

I would like to see the DLR become a separate project, of which
IronRuby and IronPython are just clients, along with IronJS,
Clojure-CLR, and any others. I don't think the DLR will change too
drastically, but the MS guys who are more familiar might have other
plans, and Tomas has said he would prefer them to be together for ease
of testing.

While the coordinators have discussed this already, I think we need
more feedback to get an idea of what we should do, so please share
your thoughts. This has a direct bearing on how you will be
contributing to IronPython.

- Jeff
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