On 28/10/2010 19:15, Slide wrote:
I am trying to find all the classes defined in Python that inherit
from a C# class. I can iterate through the types in the ScriptScope
using GetVariableName() and then checking if it's a PythonType object,
but I don't know how to get the classes that it inherits from. Can
anyone help out with this?

In normal Python you can call Class.__subclasses__() to get a list of subclasses. I haven't tried this with .NET classes on IronPython though.

Also, on a separate note, I would like to override the normal import
mechanism to support new file extensions for modules (this is so I can
associate the files with my application). Is this possible?

You can either patch __builtins__.__import__, use the ihooks module, implement a PEP 302 import loader *or* use the IronPython Platform Application Layer to control how IronPython imports are done (this is how IronPython on Silverlight does imports from the xap file).

All the best,

Michael Foord




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