Thanks for the super fast responses guys, amazing.

Jeff, thanks, i had tried the popen, but was never able to get the syntax to
make it work properly.  just too much of a n00b.  thanks though.

Bruce, the .NET calls worked perfectly.  my next step was going to be to try
to build a dll to make it work, but this is so much easier.

Thanks for the super help guys.  Dragged me out of the fire.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 7:11 AM, Bruce Bromberek

> If you are committed to Ironpython, then you can use the the .NET calls
> from System.Diagnostics import Process
> path = r"C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2011 for x64/bin"
> execfile = "vrimg2exr.exe"
> CMDARGS = "%s %s" % (infile,outfile)
> command = "%s\\%s"% (path,execfile)
> print "starting command"
> proc = Process()
> proc.StartInfo.FileName = command
> proc.StartInfo.Arguments = CMDARGS
> proc.Start()
> proc.WaitForExit()
> print "Done"
> or I have used subprocess to send data in a stream and capture the output.
>  It is possible to do the same thing with System.Diagnostics but I don't
> have an example.
> import subprocess as S
> mycmd = "XSLTools\\msxsl.exe - FixEncodedMessage.xslt -o %s" % Response
> output = S.Popen(mycmd,stdin=S.PIPE,shell=True).communicate(xml)[0]
> If you problem is that the IronPython engine you are using in Deadline
>  doesn't have the standard python modules, you could always build the
> modules you need into a DLL on another machine, place the DLL out on the
> render farm and use
> import clr
> clr.AddReference('StdLib')
> import subprocess
> ...
> to build the DLL you would can use the script that comes with
> Ironpython.  I typically create a subfolder in my project, copy the
> Standard Lib modules I need (and their dependencies) and use this script
> from the commandline to generate the DLL.
> #Compile Folder into DLL
> import clr
> clr.AddReference('mscorlib')
> from System import IO
> from System.IO.Path import Combine
> def walk(folder):
>  for file in IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder):
>  yield file
>  for folder in IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folder):
>  for file in walk(folder):
>  yield file
> folder = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(__file__)
> print folder
> myfiles = list(walk(IO.Path.Combine(folder, 'STDLIB')))
> clr.CompileModules(Combine(folder,".\StdLib.dll"), *myfiles)
> > The existing script is works like this (I'm sure this is error loaded and
> > obvious n00b script, so any input would be hugely appreciated):
> > converter = subprocess.Popen([r"C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya
> 2011
> > for x64/bin/vrimg2exr.exe", inFile, outFile],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
> > print converter.communicate()[0]
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