I propose we sync IronRuby releases with IronPython as follows:

IronRuby - IronPython - date
1.1.2 - Beta 2 - February 6
none - RC1 - February 20
none - RC2 - February 27
1.1.3 - RTM - March 6


-----Original Message-----
From: users-boun...@lists.ironpython.com 
[mailto:users-boun...@lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Jeff Hardy
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 3:39 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] Proposed Release Schedule for 2.7

I'd like to propose the following release schedule for IronPython 2.7:

Beta 2 - February 6
RC1 - February 20
RC2 - February 27
RTM - March 6

The need for a Beta 3 release could push those dates back by up to two weeks. 
Also, I may reevaluate based on the rate of bugs being fixed - if lots of fixes 
are coming in, delaying the release may be worthwhile. Obviously, any 
showstoppers would have an affect as while, but I don't believe there are any 
of those at the moment. The only current blocker for release is that the test 
suite does not pass 100%.
That will need to be sorted prior to RTM.

It's an aggressive schedule, but I think IronPython has gone too long without a 
release. I'm expecting there to be 2.7.x releases every 4-6 weeks if there are 
sufficient contributions (like new modules).

I want to get the 2.x series behind us so that work can begin on 3.2/3.3. 
Compatibility with 3.x is going to be much better than 2.x, and with most 
Python stuff needing porting effort anyway getting IronPython support will be 
easier. That's going to require some work in the innards, and I'm not sure too 
many people are familiar with those parts or IronPython yet.

I've already updated the version numbers to Beta 2 and fixed the installer bugs 
that prevented Beta 1 from installing over Alpha 1. At this point, the bugs 
that get fixed will probably be the ones that have patches, or at least solid 
repros, attached to them.

If you've got a bug that you think *must* be fixed, bring it up here.

Does anyone else think this is doable?

- Jeff
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