IronPython.Mono.sln should build fine on Mono 2.10 RC2.


[] On Behalf Of Tristan Zajonc
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 6:11 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Road to IronPython 2.7 (update)

There seems to be some regressions between 2.6 and 2.7 for OSX/Mono.  In 
particular, in addition to the traceback bug, the uuid module still has a 

Given that uuid appears all over the place, this is relatively serious, I 
think.  I'd look into these, but the standard IronPython solution doesn't 
compile on OSX/Mono.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Jimmy Schementi 
<<>> wrote:
I can do a quick test pass of the silverlight support.

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Steve Dower 
<<>> wrote:
> The tools problem seems to be to do with the installer. IPyTools
> (PythonRuntimeHost.cs:89-100) tries to load the installed path from
> HKLM\SOFTWARE\IronPython\2.7\(default). On my machine (Win7 x64, IPy
> 2.7 RC1 installed without IPyTools, which were built from source) this
> is actually in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\IronPython\2.7\(default)
> which contains "ipy64", which is then combined (PythonStarter.cs:69)
> with "ipy.exe" to make "ipy64\ipy.exe" as the interpreter path (which
> doesn't exist).
> If I set HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\IronPython\2.7\(default) to my
> actual install path (where ipy.exe is) it works fine. I assume this
> should be done in the installer.
> Steve
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:12, Jeff Hardy 
> <<>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The following issues are blockers for IronPython 2.7:
>> * #29841 - sysconfig traceback when starting 2.7B1 -
>> I don't know enough about Mono/MacOS/POSIX to fix this one properly. I
>> haven't yet chercked what the Mono guys did to get it working on
>> Linux.
>> * (no issue) - Visual Studio tools
>> The Visual Studio tools are basically broken right now - I can't
>> launch or debug even the default console program. I think it's because
>> it can't find the interpreter, but I thought I fixed that already.
>> * (no issue) - silverlight support
>> I have no idea what the status of the silverlight support is.
>> Once these are resolved (one way of another) I think 2.7 will be ready to go.
>> - Jeff
>> P.S. In all honesty I would have preferred to call the latest release
>> Beta 3 instead of RC1, but I had already changed the version strings
>> and didn't want to change them back :|.
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