Is IronPython.Modules.dll referenced by the host app?


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Slide <> wrote:

> I am embedding IronPython in my app to allow some script capabilities.
> I have the following code:
> _content = content.Trim();
>            string script = string.Format(@"
> import re
> def interp(string, variables):
>    globals = globals()
>    for item in re.findall(r'\$\(([^{{]*)\)', string):
>        string = string.replace('$(%s)' % item,
>                            str(eval(item, globals, variables)))
>    return string
> {0}
> ", _content);
>            try
>            {
>                _engine = Python.CreateEngine();
>                List<string> searchPaths = new
> List<string>(_engine.GetSearchPaths());
>                searchPaths.Add(
> Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location));
>                _engine.SetSearchPaths(searchPaths);
>                ScriptSource source =
>                    _engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script);
>                _script = source.Compile();
>            }
>            catch(SyntaxErrorException ex)
>            {
>                ExceptionOperations eo =
>                    _engine.GetService<ExceptionOperations>();
>                throw new ScriptedStringParseException(
>                    eo.FormatException(ex), -1);
>            }
> Then later I call:
> _script.DefaultScope.SetVariable("context",
>                GenerateParameters(context));
>            return _script.Execute<string>();
> The problem I am running into is that _script.Execute is that I am
> getting an import exception on the "import re"
> re is a builtin module, so I am not sure why that is happening, does
> the IronPython.Modules.dll need to be in the DLLs directory? I don't
> remember having this issue previously.
> --
> slide-o-blog
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