Am 29.03.2011, 18:57 Uhr, schrieb Bill Chiles <>:

You'll want to look at the DLR overview doc and then the Sympl sample walkthrough doc:

Thanks for the link, it will keep me busy for a while :)

You'll want to type the parameter to testComplexObject as 'dynamic' and

I was assuming testComplexObject came out of some third party c# library which I cannot change. So making it dynamic is not possible.

implement IDMOP on JSObject, which you can see how to do from the Sympl sample. Now, the Sympl sample is VERY light on real .NET bindin, but if it all maps to GetProp/SetProp, then maybe this is fine. If you might flow into your code a regular C# object (not just a JSObj), then you may want to make use of the DefaultBinder from the DLR project, which is what the Iron languages use to get much richer binding. You could also make use of the C# runtime binder to get C#'s semantics for binding members of objects at runtime, but you get that for free if you declare the parameter 'dynamic' and have your JSOjbectMetaObject simply punt whenever the object is not a derived type of JSObject. You get that for free because you'll call back on the binder at the obj.message call site, and C# will have compiled that callsite to use its binder.

Ok, I need to read more of the document and apply what I learned to what you just said :)

Thanks for your help!

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