
I have been evaluating IPy tools for VS2010 with a view to our
customers, partners and client services teams using it with VS 2010
Integrated Shell so they can create Silverlight UI's that talk to our
REST API using IPy.  Overall its going well, but I have a few questions:

1. Intellisense/autocomplete will be really useful for our users.  Can
anyone tell me what should and shouldn't provide this capability.  So
far it seems that some System types provide it and Python Module Methods
work as well but I'm not sure what else should work as it is a little
buggy.  For example is there any way to get intellisense from 3rd party
c# dll's?

2. Using a Python Project and Chiron, what is the best way to include
3rd party .dlls in the xap?  At the moment I've copied the .dlls to the
IP Silverlight\bin folder and added them to the "assemblies" attribute
of IPy's <Language\> tag in Chiron.exe.config.  This works OK but means
all .dlls will be included for all python projects.  Is there a way of
getting this to work for each project individually without the users
having to do anything manually (I want to create project templates that
they can be up and running without doing any config themselves).
Alternatively could the .dlls be downloaded from outside the xap e.g.
from another .xap or .slvx?

3. Is anyone currently working on the IPy tools specifically?  There are
quite a lot of bugs right now unfortunately and many of them would need
to be fixed if we were to use it.  Note that my company may be willing
to provide some resource in that area if we decide to proceed, but we
don't have much experience with VS extensions so we may need some



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