I hesitate to say anything as I am someone who just started lurking in the periphery, but on the off chance that others might agree, I'm throwing in my $0.02 USD:

There are some big Python applications (e.g. Mercurial) that are going to remain on 2.7 for some time. There are important modules that are still missing (bz2), or are incomplete (_winreg), that create compatibility barriers. It would also be nice to have sockets moved to the socket.py/_socket.cs model (similar to how ssl has been implemented) to support apps that monkey patch that module.

I know the community is limited in resources, but I would hope that 2.7 not be abandoned too quickly. I would happily volunteer to own the maintenance of 2.7, but I am far too early in the learning curve to be of any practical use. That said, I'm happy to help on items where I am familiar with that part of the codebase, or where an experienced contributor can give me some mentoring. For example, I'm interested in helping to implement the bz2 module using ic#code's #zip lib (http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/), but would definitely need some mentoring along the way.

On 5/31/2011 5:27 PM, Jeff Hardy wrote:
Hi all,
I think it's about time to get 2.7.1 shipped. I don't have a timeline
in mind, but I'd like it out by the end of June. There's a few new
modules and some bug fixes as well, but I'd like to see some more bugs
fixed. If there's anything in 2.7.0 that's blocking you and not
already fixed, post it here and I'll adjust the priorities. I'm also
going to update the stdlib to match CPython 2.7.1.

After 2.7.1 I doubt I will be putting much effort into the 2.7 branch
(3.0 is just more interesting), so if there's continued interest in
future 2.7 releases, someone else will probably have to step up.

- Jeff
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