My capture is attached.  Does that help?
Thanks for looking at this ...

On 10/12/08 12:01 PM, "Juha Heinanen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Graham Wooden writes:
>> Yup, I see the invite and the corresponding ACK back from them - but that's
>> it. About a second later after getting the ACK back, the caller gets
>> dropped.
> i still don't get it.  it should go like this:
> pstn gw -> invite -> kamailio -> invite -> uas1
>                               <-   302  <-
>      -> invite -> uas2
>         <- 200                <-   200  <-
> -> ack                ->   ack  -> ack
> -- juha

Attachment: graham.pcap
Description: Binary data

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