i just committed to kamailio trunk an enhanced version of lcr module.
changes from kamailio wiki page


are as follows:

    *  New high-performance implementation that keeps lcr information in
       in-memory hash table, whose size can be given in a new module
       parameter 'lcr_hash_size'. See lcr/README for lcr function
       execution times.
    *  New 'weight' field in 'gw' table that can be used to assign a
       gateway a weight among gateways of its group.
    *  Support for prefix_mode=1 has been dropped.
    *  lcr_dump MI function has been split into lcr_gw_dump and
       lcr_lcr_dump functions.
    *  lcr_reload function is now executed under a lock thus minimizing
       race conditions.
    *  Regular expressions are now Perl 5.x, instead of POSIX,
       compatible due to use of PCRE regular expression library.

testing and feedback is appreciated.

-- juha

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