
Yes, I think it is possible.

The XIB only declare soft references to the runtime classes, so there is no
difference if they are provided by an Objective-C library or by an exposed
C# class. The important thing is that the classes must be available in the
Objective-C runtime when the XIB is loaded.

So, the points are:
- put you class in a Objective-C shared library and load it with the
ObjectiveCRuntime (it is like when a framework load)
- embed this library in the bundle by using the relocation feature of the
<mkbundle/> task.
- the XIB should load without problem

If you want to access your Objective-C class, you just have to create a C#
wrapper like those found in Monobjc.

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2008/9/12 Duane Wandless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello again... I have a new issue.  Is it possible to include native Cocoa
> code in the bundle?  I would like to have a Cocoa objective-C class that is
> hooked up to the same XIB that my C# class is hooked up to.  Different
> elements but within the same XIB.  ideally I'd have the NSTabViewItem
> handled by an objective-C class and an NSArrayController that is handled by
> a C# class.
> Is that possible?
> Thanks,
> Duane

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