
I try to catch a window close event in my controller class, but the eventhandler never gets executed. This is my code :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using Monobjc;
using Monobjc.Cocoa;

namespace windows_events
   public class MyWindow : NSWindow
       public MyWindow() : base() { }
       public MyWindow(IntPtr native_object) : base(native_object) { }

       public void awakeFromNib()
Console.WriteLine(this.GetType().ToString() + " : awakeFromNib"); this.WindowWillClose += new WindowWillCloseEventHandler(MyWindow_WindowWillClose);

       void MyWindow_WindowWillClose(NSNotification notification)
           Console.WriteLine("window closes");

The documentation says, just add an event handler. So I subclassed from NSWindow and just added an event handler, but it never gets executed.

Why ?
Many thanks,

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