I am creating my first custom app using Monobjc for Mac OS.

I successfully tested and created from scratch the HelloCocoa sample app and
compiled it with nant from


Now I am trying to convert my simple custom .NET program (already compiled)
to monobjc.

I think I have to call the custom code in the <MyApp>Controller.cs file
(shown below).

I am following this Controller.cs code but was wondering how to call my
custom code.  Do I have to copy all the C# project cs files into the folder
with the Controller.cs file and change all the namespaces or something or
just call it directly somehow?




By the way what should I put in the 'awakeFrom Nib' procedure?



        public void ShowMessage(Id sender) 


              // ?? Is this where I put the call to my custom app code ??
And how do I call it ?



using System; 

using Monobjc.Cocoa; 


namespace Monobjc.MyCustomApp 



    public class HelloController : NSObject 


        // The field maps the IBOutlet defined in Interface Builder 


        public NSWindow myWindow; 


        public HelloController() { } 


        public HelloController(IntPtr nativePointer) : base(nativePointer) {


        // The method maps the message defined in Interface Builder 


        public void ShowMessage(Id sender) 


                NSRect frame = this.myWindow.Frame; 

String.Format("Size of window is {0}x{1}. Useless isn't it ?",
frame.size.width, frame.size.height), "OK", null, null); 




        public void AwakeFromNib() 


            // Do anything you want here 






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