Hi brian,
Thanks,..that helps~


Brian Barrett <brbar...@open-mpi.org> wrote: On Sun, 2006-06-11 at 04:26 -0700, 
imran shaik wrote:
> Hi,
> I some times get this error message.
> " 2 addtional processes aborted, possibly by openMPI"
> Some times 2 processes, sometimes even more. Is it due to over load or
> program error?
> Why does openMPI actually abort few processes?
> Can anyone explain?

Generally, this is because multiple processes in your job aborted
(exited with a signal or before MPI_FINALIZE) and mpirun only prints the
first abort message.  You can modify how many abort status messages you
want to receive with the -aborted X option to mpirun, where X is the
number of process abort messages you want to see.  The message generally
includes some information on what happened to your process.

Hope this helps,


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