After allot of work, the same problem occurred with lam-7.1.1, i have passed this on to the vasp devs the best i could. It does not appear to be a OMPI problem.

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

On Jun 13, 2006, at 10:11 AM, Jeff Squyres ((jsquyres)) wrote:

This type of error *usually* indicates a programming error, but in this case, it's so non-specific that it's not entirely clear that this is the

The Vasp code seems to be not entirely open, so I can't try this myself. Can you try running vasp through a debugger and putting a breakpoint in
MPI_Cart_create?  The routine itself is not very long -- you should be
able to step through it and see where it is generating this error.
Having a back trace of where this error is occurring would be extremely
helpful in diagnosing the real problem.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brock Palen
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:38 PM
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: [OMPI users] Errors with MPI_Cart_create

I have build vasp (  for a user
using openMPI-1.0.2 with teh PGI 6.1 compilers,  At runtime I am
getting the following OMPI errors,

bash-3.00$ mpirun -np 2  vasp
running on    2 nodes
[] *** An error occurred in MPI_Cart_create
[] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[] *** MPI_ERR_OTHER: known error not in list
[] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)

This is regular OMPI error messages,  is this a problem with the
build? (its very complicated)  or with vasp as writen? Or OMPI?
Direction is very much appreciated.

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