Hi All

We have been using the Argonne MPICH (over TCP/IP) on our in-house designed
embedded multicomputer for last several months with satisfactory results.
Our network technology is custom built and is * *not** infiniband (or any
published standards, such as Myrinet) based. This is due to the nature of
our application. We are currently running TCP/IP over out backplane network
and using that as the transport layer of MPICH.

For the next generation of our software release, we are planning to write a
low level transport layer to leverage our switch architecture and
considering changing the entire MPI protocol stack to openMPI. From what I
have found so far, I'd have to write routines to provide services similar to
the ones found under ompi/mca/btl/{tcp,mx,...}. I'd like to get some
guidance as to how to do this. Is there a document about this? Has anybody
in this list done something similar before and if so, what was the
difficulty level involved?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Devil wanted omnipresence;
He therefore created communists.

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