I am continuing to test the MPI-2 features of 1.1, and have run into some puzzling behavior. I wrote a simple F90 program to test 'mpi_put' and 'mpi_get' on a coordinate transformation problem on a two dual-core processor Opteron workstation running the PGI 6.1 compiler. The program runs correctly for a variety of problem sizes and processor counts.

However, my main interest is a large global weather prediction model that has been running in production with 1-sided message passing on an SGI Origin 3000 for several years. This code does not run with OMPI 1-sided message passing. I have investigated the difference between this code and the test program and noticed a critical difference. Both programs call 'mpi_win_create' to create an integer 'handle' to the RMA window used by 'mpi_put' and 'mpi_get'. In the test program this 'handle' returns with a value of '1', but in the large code the 'handle' returns with value '0'. Subsequent synchronization calls to 'mpi_win_fence' succeed in the small program (error status eq 0), while in the large code they fail (error status ne 0), and the transfers fail also (no data is passed).

Do you have any suggestions on what could cause this difference in behavior between the two codes, specifically why the 'handles' have different values? Are there any diagnostics I could produce that would provide information?

T. Rosmond

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