
Not sure if it's openmpi related or the program I am installing.

I installed openmpi using g95 as F77 and F90 compiler with flags "-ffixed-line-length-132 -fno-underscoring" on PowerMac G5 with OS X 10.4 without any problems.

Then I tried to compile this program (CYANA if it matters, it's a molucular caculation program) with openmpi generated mpif90 wrapper with same flags, then it gave out the following errors, wondering if someone has idea about this, googled it without much help. Thanks a lot in advance.

../../etc/prepare -c -Dg95 -Dmpi -Dapple -Dapple_ompig95-withflags -w inclan.for > inclan.f /sw/mpich2_g95_withflags/bin/mpif90 -c -ffixed-line-length-132 -fno-underscoring inclan.f
In file mpif.h:420

    Included at inclan.f:26

Error: SAVE statement at (1) follows blanket SAVE statement
In file mpif.h:423

    Included at inclan.f:26

       SAVE   /MPIPRIVC/
Error: SAVE statement at (1) follows blanket SAVE statement
make[2]: *** [inclan.o] Error 1

Yu Chen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Chemistry Building, Rm 182
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

phone:  (410)455-6347 (primary)
        (410)455-2718 (secondary)
fax:    (410)455-1174
email:  c...@hhmi.umbc.edu

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