
OpenMPI output issues when using IBM AIX 5.3

We have recently installed OpenMPI 1.1.2 (see attacched, ompi_inf -a output for 

on an IBM AIX 5.3. We had no problem during installation and configration. 
"ompi_info -a" runs with no problem.

Running our application we got no error or output from "printf", or "cout".

So, we wrote a simple 10 line program, which basicly setup mpi and does a 

"printf" and "cout". 

We still didn't get any output from this program, when using MPI in a none 
debug mode.

I find out that we get the output from this simple program if we add

"--debug-daemons" to the mpirun commands.

But, still for a more complex program we don't get any output even with  the 
"--debug-daemons" flag.

My question are 

1 - why do we need a debug flag to get any output?

2 - does anyone has any recommendation on how to build an mpi

application for IBM AIX 5.3 to get the output, without any debug flag.

Thanks for any comments


Attachment: testMPI.log
Description: Binary data

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