
I'm compiling OpenMPI 1.1.2 on a Rocks Cluster 4.2.1. The cluster has
sge installed which is what the users will use to submit their MPI jobs
(i.e. using qsub).

I'm not having any luck finding the correct parameters to provide
./configure in order to include support for SGE.

Here's the configure line that I've tried (I'm including support for
TopSpin Infiniband and using Intel compilers):

./configure CC='icc' CXX='icpc' FC='ifort' F77='ifort'
LDFLAGS="-L/share/apps/intel/cce/lib" --with-mvapi=/usr/local/topspin
--with-mvapi-libdir=/usr/local/topspin/lib64 --enable-static

Any suggestions on what I should add to ./configure to enable SGE

If I run ompi_info and grep for grid, I don't see any results.

Thanks, Mike

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