$ mpirun --prefix /usr/local/openmpi-1.2b2 --hostfile ./h1-3 -np 1 --mca
btl mx,sm,self ./cpi
[node-1:09704] mca: base: component_find: unable to open mtl mx: file
not found (ignored)
[node-1:09704] mca: base: component_find: unable to open btl mx: file
not found (ignored)

This in particular is almost certainly a library path issue. A quick way to check to see if your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is correct is to run: $ mpirun <whatever args you want to test> ldd <ompi_install_path>/lib/openmpi/mca_mtl_mx.so

If things are good, you will get a first line like:
       libmyriexpress.so => /opt/mx/lib/libmyriexpress.so (0xb7f1d000)

If not, it will tell you explicitly. Since all you specified is the --prefix line, I'm not surprised libmyriexpress.so is not found in this case.

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