Hi Adrian -

Thanks for the reply.  I have been investigating this further.  It appears
that ssh isn't starting my .zshrc file.  This is strange.

If I execute

ssh host-0 export

I get only a minimal set of environment variables.  One of them is SHELL =
/bin/zsh.  There is no LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the list.

If I ssh into host-0 and type "export", I get my full list of variables.

Seeing as how this is almost certainly an ssh problem, I should probably
take this to the openssh mailing list.


On 1/17/07, Adrian Knoth <a...@drcomp.erfurt.thur.de> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 05:22:35PM -0800, Brian Budge wrote:

> Hi all -


> If I run from host-0:
> > mpirun -np 4 -host host-0 myprogram
> I have no problems, but if I run
> >mpirun -np 4 -host host-1 myprogram
> error while loading shared libraries: libSGUL.so: cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory

> >mpirun -np 1 -host host-1 ldd myprogram
>         libSGUL.so => not found
>         libOpenMesh_Core.so => not found

Obviously, you'll need these libs on host-1. Even more, they need
to be found in a system library dir (e.g. /usr/lib) or somewhere
inside LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I guess you already know that.

> If I run the following, however, I see that my LD_LIBRARY_PATH is
> > mpirun -np 1 -host burn-0 echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

The variable is expanded on the calling host:

adi@ipc654:~$ echo $HOSTNAME
adi@ipc654:~$ mpirun -np 1 -host amun3 echo $HOSTNAME

In other words: you're echoing your local LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If this
should be the same on host-1, either set it in your login scripts
(on host-1) or export it with -x:

host-0:~$ mpirun -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -host host-1 your_prog


Cluster and Metacomputing Working Group
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

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