Jeff Squyres wrote:
On Apr 4, 2007, at 7:59 AM, Bas van der Vlies wrote:

Yes i get this error message:

Note the following one the building.php web page:

"Autoconf/Automake Note: Autoconf 2.59 / Automake 1.9.6 will currently work with all branches available in the SVN repository. Autoconf 2.60 (and higher) and Automake 1.10 (and higher) will not work with any branch earlier than v1.2. Further, if Autoconf 2.60 (and higher) is used, Automake 1.10 (and higher) must be used."


You are right. It is my fault. I thought automake 1.9.6 is newer then automake 1.10. I just made automake 1.10 the default one and now everything is fine ;-).

Thanks a lot

*** Running GNU tools
[Running] autom4te --language=m4sh ompi_get_version.m4sh -o
[Running] aclocal
[Running] autoheader
[Running] autoconf
[Running] libtoolize --automake --copy --ltdl
Adjusting libltdl for OMPI :-(
   -- patching for argz bugfix in libtool 1.5
      ==> your libtool doesn't need this! yay!
   -- patching 64-bit OS X bug in
      ==> your libtool doesn't need this! yay!
   -- RTLD_GLOBAL in libltdl
      ==> your libltdl doesn't need this! yay!
   -- patching configure for broken -c/-o compiler test
[Running] automake --foreign -a --copy --include-deps require Automake 1.10, but have 1.9.6

Based on this message^^^, it looks like you are using AC 2.60 or later, but not using AM 1.10 or later.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
It seems that the execution of "automake --foreign -a --copy
--include-deps" has failed.  See above for
the specific error message that caused it to abort.

This *MAY* be caused by an older version of one of the required
packages.  Please make sure you are using at least the following

GNU Autoconf 2.59
GNU Automake 1.9.6
GNU Libtool  1.5.16
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

Note that this message is technically correct, but it does not contain the caveat about AC 2.60 or above (although it does contain a reference to "see above for the specific error message..."). We can probably make it a bit more specific.

*                                                                  *
*  Bas van der Vlies                     e-mail:      *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services    phone:  +31 20 592 8012   *
*  Kruislaan 415                         fax:    +31 20 6683167    *
*  1098 SJ Amsterdam                                               *
*                                                                  *

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