There is a known issue on BProc 4 w.r.t. pty support. Open MPI by default will try to use ptys for I/O forwarding but will revert to pipes if ptys are not available.

You can "safely" ignore the pty warnings, or you may want to rerun configure and add:

I say "safely" because my understanding is that some I/O data may be lost if pipes are used during abnormal termination.

Alternatively you might try getting pty support working, you need to configure ptys on the backend nodes. You can then try the following code to test if it is working correctly, if this fails (it does on our BProc 4 cluster) you shouldn't use ptys on BProc.

#include <pty.h>
#include <utmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

main(int argc, char *agrv[])
  int amaster, aslave;

  if (openpty(&amaster, &aslave, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
printf("openpty() failed with errno = %d, %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));
  } else {
    printf("openpty() succeeded\n");

  return 0;

On Apr 26, 2007, at 2:06 PM, Daniel Gruner wrote:


I have been testing OpenMPI 1.2, and now 1.2.1, on several BProc-
based clusters, and I have found some problems/issues.  All my
clusters have standard ethernet interconnects, either 100Base/T or
Gigabit, on standard switches.

The clusters are all running Clustermatic 5 (BProc 4.x), and range
from 32-bit Athlon, to 32-bit Xeon, to 64-bit Opteron.  In all cases
the same problems occur, identically.  I attach here the results
from "ompi_info --all" and the config.log, for my latest build on
an Opteron cluster, using the Pathscale compilers.  I had exactly
the same problems when using the vanilla GNU compilers.

Now for a description of the problem:

When running an mpi code (cpi.c, from the standard mpi examples, also
attached), using the mpirun defaults (e.g. -byslot), with a single

        sonoma:dgruner{134}> mpirun -n 1 ./cpip
        [n17:30019] odls_bproc: openpty failed, using pipes instead
        Process 0 on n17
        pi is approximately 3.1415926544231341, Error is 0.0000000008333410
        wall clock time = 0.000199

However, if one tries to run more than one process, this bombs:

        sonoma:dgruner{134}> mpirun -n 2 ./cpip
        [n21:30029] OOB: Connection to HNP lost
        [n21:30029] OOB: Connection to HNP lost
        [n21:30029] OOB: Connection to HNP lost
        [n21:30029] OOB: Connection to HNP lost
        [n21:30029] OOB: Connection to HNP lost
        [n21:30029] OOB: Connection to HNP lost
        . ad infinitum

If one uses de option "-bynode", things work:

        sonoma:dgruner{145}> mpirun -bynode -n 2 ./cpip
        [n17:30055] odls_bproc: openpty failed, using pipes instead
        Process 0 on n17
        Process 1 on n21
        pi is approximately 3.1415926544231318, Error is 0.0000000008333387
        wall clock time = 0.010375

Note that there is always the message about "openpty failed, using pipes instead".

If I run more processes (on my 3-node cluster, with 2 cpus per node), the
openpty message appears repeatedly for the first node:

        sonoma:dgruner{146}> mpirun -bynode -n 6 ./cpip
        [n17:30061] odls_bproc: openpty failed, using pipes instead
        [n17:30061] odls_bproc: openpty failed, using pipes instead
        Process 0 on n17
        Process 2 on n49
        Process 1 on n21
        Process 5 on n49
        Process 3 on n17
        Process 4 on n21
        pi is approximately 3.1415926544231239, Error is 0.0000000008333307
        wall clock time = 0.050332

Should I worry about the openpty failure? I suspect that communications may be slower this way. Using the -byslot option always fails, so this is a bug. The same occurs for all the codes that I have tried, both simple
and complex.

Thanks for your attention to this.

Dr. Daniel Gruner              
Dept. of Chemistry             
University of Toronto                    phone:  (416)-978-8689
80 St. George Street                     fax:    (416)-978-5325
Toronto, ON  M5S 3H6, Canada             finger for PGP public key
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