On 4/27/07, Götz Waschk <goetz.was...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm testing my new cluster installation with the hpcc benchmark and
openmpi 1.2.1 on RHEL5 32 bit. I have some trouble with using a
threaded BLAS implementation. I have tried ATLAS 3.7.30 compiled with
pthread support. It crashes as reported here:
I have a problem with Goto BLAS 1.14 too, the output of hpcc stops
before the HPL run, then the hpcc processes seem to do nothing,
consuming 100% CPU. If I set the maximum number of threads for Goto
BLAS to 1, hpcc is working fine again.


replying to myself here. I've tested this a bit more. It is working
fine if I don't start hpcc from a Gridengine job. I think this is not
related to openmpi's Gridengine integration, as the problem persists
if I disable Gridengine integration on the mpirun command line. I'll
keep you informed if I find a solution.

Regards, Götz Waschk

AL I:40: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

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