On Sep 17, 2007, at 11:26 AM, Daniel Rozenbaum wrote:

What seems to be happening is this: the code of the server is written in
such a manner that the server knows how many "responses" it's supposed
to receive from all the clients, so when all the calculation tasks have
been distributed, the server enters a loop inside which it calls
MPI_Waitany on an array of handles until it receives all the results it
expects. However, from my debug prints it looks like all the clients
think they've sent all the results they could, and they're now all
sitting in MPI_Probe, waiting for the server to send out the next
instruction (which is supposed to contain a message indicating the end
of the run). So, the server is stuck in MPI_Waitany() while all the
clients are stuck in MPI_Probe().

On the server side, try putting in a debug loop and see if any of the requests that your app is waiting for are not MPI_REQUEST_NULL (it's not a value of 0 -- you'll need to compare against MPI_REQUEST_NULL). If there are any, see if you can trace backwards to see what request it is.

I was wondering if you could comment on the "readv failed" messages I'm
seeing in the server's stderr:

mca_btl_tcp_frag_recv: readv failed with errno=110

I'm seeing a few of these along the server's run, with errno=110
("Connection timed out" according to the "perl -e 'die$!=errno'" method
I found in OpenMPI FAQs), and I've also seen errno=113 ("No route to
host"). Could this mean there's an occasional infrastructure problem? It would be strange, as it would then seem that this particular run somehow
triggers it?.. Could these messages also mean that some messages got
lost due to these errors, and that's why the server thinks it still has some results to receive while the clients think they've sent everything out?

That is all possible. Sorry I missed that message in your original message -- it's basically a message saying that MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 got a timeout from one of the peers that it shouldn't have.

You're sure that none of your processes are exiting early, right? You said they were all waiting in MPI_Probe, but I just wanted to double check that they're all still running.

Unfortunately, our error message is not very clear about which host it lost the connection with -- after you see that message, do you see incoming communications from all the slaves, or only some of them?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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