Copy-and-paste-error: The second part of the fix ought to be:

        if ( !have_wdir ) {


Murat Knecht schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I think, I found a bug and a fix for it.
> Could someone verify the rationale behind this bug, as I have this
> SIGSEG on only one of two machines, and I don't quite see why it doesn't
> occur always. (Same testprogram, equally compiled 1.2.4 OpenMPI).
> Though the fix does prevent the segmentation fault. :)
> Thanks,
> Murat
> Where:
> Bug:
> free() crashes when trying to free stack memory
> ompi/communicator/comm_dyn.c:630
>     OBJ_RELEASE(apps[i]);
> orte/mca/rmgr/rmgr_types.h:113
>         free (app_context->cwd);
> There are two ways that apps[i]->cwd is filled:
> 1. dynamically allocated memory
> 548     if ( !have_wdir ) {
>             getcwd(cwd, OMPI_PATH_MAX);
>             apps[i]->cwd = strdup(cwd);    // <--
>         }
> 2. stack
> 354    char cwd[OMPI_PATH_MAX];
> // ...
> 516         /* check for 'wdir' */
>             ompi_info_get (array_of_info[i], "wdir", valuelen, cwd, &flag);
>             if ( flag ) {
>                 apps[i]->cwd = cwd;  // <--
>                 have_wdir = 1;
>             }
> Fix: Allocate cwd always manually and make sure, it is deleted afterwards.
> 1.
> <    char cwd[OMPI_PATH_MAX];
> ---
>>    char *cwd = (char*)malloc(OMPI_PATH_MAX);
> 2. And on cleanup (somewhere below line 624)
>>        if ( !have_wdir ) {
>>            getcwd(cwd, OMPI_PATH_MAX);
>>            apps[i]->cwd = strdup(cwd);
>>        }
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