
I am using Open MPI 1.2.3 to run a task on 4 hosts as follows:

amit@ubuntu-desktop-1:~/mpi-exec$ mpirun --np 4 --hostfile
mpi-host-file ParallelSearch
bash: /usr/local/bin/orted: No such file or directory

The problem is that 'orted' is not found on one of the 4 hosts. I
investigated the problem and found out that whereas 'orted' is stored
in /usr/local/bin on all the other 3 hosts, it is in /usr/bin/orted on
the erroneous host. I tried to create a soft link to solve the problem
but sadly it is not so simple, it seems.

It would be nice to know how to get around this problem.

Amit Kumar Saha
*NetBeans Community Docs Coordinator*
me blogs@ http://amitksaha.blogspot.com

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