Hello Oleg :-)

I am a newbie as far as MPI is concerned. Still I will take a shot:

On 10/2/07, Oleg Morajko <olegmora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> In the context of my PhD research, I have been developing a run-time
> performance analyzer for MPI-based applications.
> My tool provides a controller process for each MPI task. In particular, when
> a MPI job is started, a special wrapper script is generated that first
> starts my controller processes and next each controller spawns an actual MPI
> task (that performs MPI_Init etc.). I use dynamic instrumentation API
> (DynInst API) to control and instrument MPI tasks.
> The point is I need to intercommunicate my controller processes, in
> particular I need a point-to-point communication between arbitrary pair of
> controllers. So it seems reasonable to take advantage of MPI itself and use
> it for communication. However I am not sure what would be the impact of
> calling MPI_Init and communicating from controller processes taking into
> account both controllers and actual MPI  processes where started with the
> same mpirun invocation. Actually I would need to assure that controllers
> have a separate MPI execution enviroment while the application has another
> one.

Have you thought about using a separate MPI Communicator?

Sorry if that was lame!


Amit Kumar Saha
me blogs@ http://amitksaha.blogspot.com

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