Thanks for your reply,

 I used MPI_Wtime for my application but even then process 0 took longer
time executing the mentioned code segment. I might be worng, but what I
see is process 0 takes more time to access the array elements than other
processes. Now I dont see what to do because the mentioned code segment
is creating a bottleneck for the timing of my application.

Can any one suggest somthing in this regard. I will be very thankful


Aftab Hussain

On Thu, October 25, 2007 9:38 pm, jody wrote:
> HI
> I'm not sure if that is a problem,
> but in MPI applications you shoud use MPI_WTime() for time-measurements
> Jody
> On 10/25/07, <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am a research assistant (RA) at NUST Pakistan in High Performance
>> Scientific Computing Lab. I am working on the parallel
>> implementation of the Finitie Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method using
>> MPI. I am using the OpenMPI environment on a cluster of 4
>> SunFire v890 cluster connected through Myrinet. I am having problem
>> that when I run my code with let say 4 processes. Process 0 takes about 3
>> times more time than other three processes, executing a for loop which
>> is the main cause of load imbalance in my code. I am writing the code
>> that is causing the problem. The code is run by all the processes
>> simultaneously and independently and I have timed it independent of
>> segments of code.
>> start = gethrtime(); for (m = 1; m < my_x ; m++){ for (n = 1; n <
>> size_y-1; n++) { Ez(m,n) = Ez(m,n) + cezh*((Hy(m,n) - Hy(m-1,n)) -
>> (Hx(m,n) - Hx(m,n-1)));
>> }
>> }
>> stop = gethrtime(); time = (stop-start);
>> In my implementation I used 1-D array to realize 2-D arrays.I have used
>>  the following macros for accesing the array elements.
>> #define Hx(I,J) hx[(I)*(size_y) + (J)]
>> #define Hy(I,J) hy[(I)*(size_y) + (J)]
>> #define Ez(I,J) ez[(I)*(size_y) + (J)]
>> Can any one tell me what am I doing wrong here, or macros are creating
>> the problems or it can be related to any OS issue. I will be looking
>> forward for help because this problem has stopped my progress for the
>> last two weeks
>> regards aftab hussain
>> RA High Performance Scientific Computing Lab
>> NUST Institue of Information Technology
>> National University of Sciences and Technology Pakistan
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