If your F77 compiler do not support array of LOGICAL variables (which seems to be the case if you look in the config.log file), then you're left with only one option. Remove the F77 support from the compilation. This means adding the --disable-mpi-f77 option to the ./ configure.


On Nov 28, 2007, at 9:24 AM, geetha r wrote:

Subject: "Need exact command line for ./configure {optionslist} " to build OPENMPI-1.2.4 on windows."

while configuration script checking the FORTRAN77 compiler , iam getting following error,so openmpi- build is unsuccessful on windows(with configure script)

 checking for correct handling of FORTRAN logical arrays... no
configure: error: Error determining if arrays of logical values work properly.

i want to build, openmpi-1.2.4 (which is downloaded from MINGW), on windows -2000 machine.

can somebody give proper build command i can use to "build opennmpi on windows-2000" machine.


 ./configure  .......(options list)

can some body pls tell "exact options to pass" in the option list.

iam using cygwin to build openmpi on windows.

I am attaching the output files.

config.log -> actual log file.
config.out -> output of the ./configure  file
make.out -> fail because, configure build unsuccess on windows.
make.install-> fail because, configure build unsuccess on windows

PS: I am using all g77,g++,gcc from MINGW package.

i have downloaded and added g95 also, but which does not solve my problem.


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< make .install .zip > < make .out .zip > < config .out.zip><config.zip>_______________________________________________
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