I really didn't want to start a new thread discussing the virtues and vices of every compiler, since this is hardly my forte and the opportunity to offend someone is fairly high, whilst making myself look clownish.... What I should have said was that "for my organization one cannot justify the cost of buying, for example Intel's compiler." Aside from some political/economic/legal reasons for this being true, we have a lot of very specific code that has been optimized over the years by hand. While there are clearly speed advantages for Intel's compilers for many many problems, in our view, for our problems and our "in house" software, the speedup has not been sufficient to warrant the cost of a compiler for several hundred to several thousand computers (yes there are that many developers). Besides, timing claims and speedups are also dependent upon the version of gcc/gfortran one uses, and what memory allocation routine, etc, etc.... There have been significant improvements in gcc from 4.1 through 4.3 that have been well documented. And there have also been accusations that intel "chooses" problems to accentuate their claims of supremacy. But doesn't every vendor do this? I admit that given an infinite amount of money I would go with the Intel compiler for all of our development work. Since we are more of a "proof or concept" organization and ship out production runs to real centers (with intel compilers), even a factor of 2 (which is our typical experience) is not significant enough. If it were to become, as you state roughly 8 times faster, it might be a different story. As it is, only legacy code is using fortran and if one moves to C/C++ the differences we've seen have been miniscule.

Bottom line, it works for my configuration right now and both me and the other users are happy.

Thanks all, for help, advice, and a provocative discussion.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 5:11 PM, Michael wrote:

On Mar 6, 2008, at 12:49 PM, Doug Reeder wrote:

I would disagree with your statement that the available fortran
options can't pass a cost-benefit analysis. I have found that for
scientific programming (e.g., Livermore Fortran Kernels and actual
PDE solvers) that code produced by the intel compiler runs 25 to 55%
faster than code from gfortran or g95. Looking at the cost of adding
processors with g95/gfortran to get the same throughput as with
ifort you recover the $549 compiler cost real quickly.

Doug Reeder

I've a big fan of g95, but actually I'm seeing even greater
differences in a small code I'm using for some lengthy calculations.

With 14 MB of data being read into memory and processed:

Intel ifort  is 7.7x faster then Linux g95 on MacPro 3.0 GHz
Intel ifort  is 2.9x faster then Linux g95 on Dual Opteron 1.4 GHz
Intel ifort  is 1.8x faster then Linux g95 on SGI Altix 350 dual
Itanium2 1.4 GHz
OS X g95 is 2.7x faster then Linux g95 on a MacPro 2.66 GHz (same
hardware exactly)

The complete data set is very large, 56 GB, but that is 42 individual
frequencies, where as the 14 MB is a single frequency, data averaged
over areas, so get a favor of the answer but not exactly the right
answer.  I played around with compiler options, specified the exact
processor type within the limits of gcc and I gained only factions of
a percent.

A co-worker saw factor 2 differences between Intel's compiler and g95
with a very complicated code.


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