I've attached the requested configuration and ompi_info output, as well
as the actual error messages that appear (run.out) when the code is run.
I traced it down to the section of code included that is in

The platform is a Mac Pro running Mac OS X 10.5.2, but I also tried it
on Mac OS X Server 10.4.11 (Xserve Xeon) with the same result. Also
tried compiling OpenMPI with the Intel C/C++ compilers (version
10.1.012), same result.

The code has been run without issue on numerous HPC platforms, and runs
with OpenMPI on this platform for small problems. Issue shows up when
running larger problems. Using MPICH2 on this platform with same large
problem runs fine.

The issue appears to occur when calling the MPI_WAITALL statement at the
end of the code section; the MPI_IRECV and MPI_ISEND statements

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Matthew Grismer

Attachment: run.out
Description: run.out

Attachment: config.log.gz
Description: config.log.gz

Attachment: fail_section.F
Description: fail_section.F

Attachment: mpi_info.txt.gz
Description: mpi_info.txt.gz

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