The best online way to learn MPI I have ever found was the NCSA class here:

OpenMPI and MPICH both implement the same standard set of functions put forth at the MPI Forum. Each OpenMPI and MPICH have their own strong points and weaknesses and bugs. But if you write a MPI app it should work the same using ether libraries after a recompile but not editing (one would hope). You really want to have this portableness when using MPI libraries on the SGI Altix or IBM Blue Gene which are unique to those systems but are not available on a desktop where you develop that code. MPI should allow you use develop using OpenMPI or MPICH and then run on a Altix with MPT with little change. Thats the goal at-least.

MPI-2 was a update that added features to MPI-1.1 such as the IO calls, process spawning, and one sided operation (MPI_Get() MPI_Put()).

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

On Apr 5, 2008, at 9:00 PM, Davi Vercillo C. Garcia wrote:
HI all,

My name is Davi Vercillo and I'm from Brazil. I'm starting right now
to study MPI and I'll use the implementation of OpenMPI for this. I
want to know if there is a kind of "MPI for Dummies" that I can find
in Internet. Another thing that I would like to know is what the
diference with others implementations of MPI like MPICH, MPI-2, etc.

PS: Sorry about my english.

Davi Vercillo Carneiro Garcia

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Departamento de Ciência da Computação

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