Yes -- MPI_Abort is the simplest way to get them all to die. But you'll also get error message(s) from OMPI. So you have [at least] 2 options:

1. Exit with MPI error

  if (rank == process_who_does_the_checking && !exists(filename)) {

2. Exit with your own error; MPI finalizes cleanly

  file_exists = 1;
  if (rank == process_who_does_the_checking && !exists(filename)) {
     file_exists = 0;
MPI_Bcast(&file_exists, 1, MPI_INT, process_who_does_the_checking, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (!file_exists) {

There's oodles of variants on this, of course, but you get the general idea.

On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:00 PM, David Singleton wrote:

This is exactly what MPI_Abort is for.


Terry Frankcombe wrote:
Calling MPI_Finalize in a single process won't ever do what you want.
You need to get all the processes to call MPI_Finalize for the end to be

What you need to do is have some sort of special message to tell
everyone to die. In my codes I have a rather dynamic master-slave model with flags being broadcast by the master process to tell the slaves what
to expect next, so it's easy for me to send out an "it's all over,
please kill yourself" message. For a more rigid communication pattern you could embed the die message in the data: something like if the first
element of the received data is negative, then that's the sign things
have gone south and everyone should stop what they're doing and
MPI_Finalize.  The details depend on the details of your code.

Presumably you could also set something up using tags and message

Hope this helps.

On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 19:57 +0900, wrote:
So I'm working on this program which has many ways it might possibly die at runtime, but one of them that happens frequently is the user types a wrong (non-existant) filename on the command prompt. As it is now, the node looking for the file notices the file doesn't exist and tries to terminate the program. It tries to call MPI_Finalize(), but the other
nodes are all waiting for a message from the node doing the file
reading, so MPI_Finalize waits forever until the user realizes the job
isn't doing anything and terminates it manually.

So, my question is: what's the "correct" graceful way to handle
situations like this? Is there some MPI function which can basically
throw an exception to all other nodes telling them bail out now? Or is
correct behaviour just to have the node that spotted the error die
quietly and wait for the others to notice?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Cisco Systems

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