MPI_Intercomm_merge is what you are looking for.

Le 26 juil. 08 à 13:23, Mark Borgerding a écrit :

Okay, so I've gotten a little bit closer.

I'm using MPI_Comm_spawn to start several children processes. The problem is that the children are in their own group, separate from the parent (just the like the documentation says). I want to merge the children's group with the parent group so I can efficiently Send/ Recv data between them..

Is this possible?

Plan B: I guess if there is no elegant way to merge all those processes into one group, I can connect sockets and make intercomms to talk from the parent directly to each child.

-- Mark

Mark Borgerding wrote:
I am writing a code module that plugs into a larger application framework. That framework loads my code module as a shared object. So I do not control how the first process gets started, but I still want it to be able to start and participate in an MPI group.

Here's roughly what I want to happen ( I think):

framework app running (not under my control)
      -> framework loads shared object into its process
-> starts mpi programs on several hosts (e.g. via system call to mpiexec ) -> initial process participates in the group he just started (e.g. he shows up in MPI_Comm_group, can use MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, etc. )

Can this be done?
I am running under Centos 5.2


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