
You will not be able to reuse the same data-type. All internal arrays are malloced and their position in memory will be completely random from call to call (or use to use of the data-type). Therefore, even if your structure looks the same, as you use non static arrays in your structure, you will have to recreate the data-type for every new structure (of type individual).


On Aug 19, 2008, at 5:12 PM, Jitendra Kumar wrote:

Thanks for your reply. However, I am still not able to resolve the
issue. I have been looking at one of your old post
(I have tried to explain the issues below with snippets of codes and on
screen debugging messages)

I am trying not to use MPI_BOTTOM because I wish to use the same
declared data type again and again for sending any struct of that type.
So I specified the addresses as follows.
   521         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv, &origin);
   522         printf("origin  %ld \n", origin);
523 MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].intvar[0], &disp[0]);
   524         printf("disp 0 %ld \n", disp[0]);
   525         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].realvar[0],
   526         printf("disp 1 %ld\n", disp[1]);
527 MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].binvar[0], &disp[2]);
   528         printf("disp 2 %ld\n", disp[2]);
   529         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].gene[0][0],
   530         printf("disp 3 %ld\n", disp[3]);
531 MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].obj[0], &disp[4]);
   532         printf("disp 4 %ld %ld\n", disp[4],
533 MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].constr[0], &disp[5]);
   534         printf("disp 5 %ld\n", disp[5]);
535 MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].constr_violation,
   536         printf("disp 6 %ld\n", disp[6]);
   537         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].crowd_dist,
   538         printf("disp 7 %ld\n", disp[7]);
   539         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].rank, &disp[8]);
   540         printf("disp 8 %ld\n", disp[8]);
MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].strategyParameter[0], &disp[9]);
   542         printf("disp 9 %ld\n", disp[9]);
   543 //      base = disp[0];
   544         base = origin;

The values of displacements looks like this:
3: origin  6088720
3: disp 0 6089648
3: disp 1 6089680
3: disp 2 6089712
3: disp 3 6089776
3: disp 4 6089808
3: disp 5 6089840
3: disp 6 6090672
3: disp 7 6090680
3: disp 8 6090688
3: disp 9 6089872

after subtracting origin from the displacement to get relative
   569         for(i=0; i<10; i++)
   570         {
   571             disp[i] -= base;
   572             fprintf(stdout, "Rank %d: disp[%d] %d\n", rank, i,
   573         }

3: Rank 3: disp[0] 928
3: Rank 3: disp[1] 960
3: Rank 3: disp[2] 992
3: Rank 3: disp[3] 1056
3: Rank 3: disp[4] 1088
3: Rank 3: disp[5] 1120
3: Rank 3: disp[6] 1952
3: Rank 3: disp[7] 1960
3: Rank 3: disp[8] 1968
3: Rank 3: disp[9] 1152

   574         MPI_Type_create_struct(10, blockcounts, disp, types,
   576         /* Check that the datatype has correct extent */
   577         MPI_Type_extent(Individual, &extent);
   578         if(extent != sizeof(individual))
   579         {
   580             printf("Rank %d: adjusting the extent (%d) of the
data type %d\n", rank, extent, sizeof(individual));
   581             MPI_Datatype indold = Individual;
   582             MPI_Type_create_resized(indold, 0,
sizeof(individual), &Individual);
   583             MPI_Type_free(&indold);
   584         }
   585         MPI_Type_commit(&Individual);
   586         /* MPI derived datatype for indivdual declared */

After creating the datatype, for test I tried to send  and receive a
struct to itself and save it to a variable of the same struct type. But
the value of the variables in the receiving struct remains unchanged.
Though the MPI_Get_elements shows the correct number of elements in the
received datatype.

   588         int count;
   589         individual recvind;
   590         allocateMemoryInd(&parentPop[0], &recvind);
   591         initializeInd(&parentPop[0], &recvind);
593 fprintf(stdout, "Rank %d: before receive recvind.nobj %f
recvind.numreal %f\n", rank, recvind.obj[0], recvind.realvar[0]);
   594         MPI_Sendrecv(&parentPop[0].indiv[0], 1, Individual,
rank, rank, &recvind, 1, Individual, rank, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
   595         count = 0;
   596         MPI_Get_elements(&status, Individual, &count);
   597         fprintf(stdout, "Rank %d: after receive recvind.nobj %f
(expected value %f) recvind.numreal %f (expected value %f) count %d \n",
rank, recvind.obj[0], parentPo        p[0].indiv[0].obj[0],
recvind.realvar[0], parentPop[0].indiv[0].realvar[0], count);

3: Rank 3: adjusting the extent (1048) of the data type 80
3: Rank 3: before receive recvind.nobj 0.000000 recvind.numreal -26.938538 3: Rank 3: after receive recvind.nobj 0.000000 (expected value 0.000000)
recvind.numreal -26.938538 (expected value -126.740479) count 16

I highly appreciate your help resolving the issue.

Message: 1
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2008 23:30:54 +0200
From: George Bosilca <bosi...@eecs.utk.edu>
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] MPI_Type_struct for structs with dynamic
To: Open MPI Users <us...@open-mpi.org>
Message-ID: <b9dd8054-97d1-47ba-a88c-27f0c5529...@eecs.utk.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; Format="flowed";


There is a problem with the addresses you provide to MPI_Type_struct.
For all arrays instead of giving the pointer to the array, you provide
a pointer to the pointer in the individual struct.

Try the following
MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].intvar[0], &disp[0]);
instead of
MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].intvar, &disp[0]);

Please note the [0] after the array name. Please do the same to all
arrays and I think the MPI_Type_struct will do the rest.

Btw, you dont have to substract the disp[0] from all addresses.
Instead you can use MPI_BOTTOM and all your addresses can be absolute.


On Aug 11, 2008, at 1:07 AM, Jitendra Kumar wrote:

I am trying to use MPI derived datatype doutines for sending a struct
which contains dynamically allocated arrays. I tried implementing it
using MPI_Type_struct. It doesn't throws any error but messages being
received (of the declared datatype) aren't correct. Some memory
corruption seems to be going on as the value of 'rank' at receive end
are changed to 0 right after the receive . Below are the snippets of
struct and implementation of the derived datatype.
I am not sure where things are going wrong. I would highly appreciate
any pointers or suggestions. Is there any better alternative way
of MPI_Type_struct considering that  frequent communication of these
structs are needed?


The struct looks like this:
   51 typedef struct
   52 {
   53     int *intvar;
   54     double *realvar;
   55     double *binvar;
   56     int **gene;
   58     double *obj;
   59     double *constr;
   60     double constr_violation;
   61     double crowd_dist;
   62     int rank;
   63     double *strategyParameter;
   64 }
   65 individual;

Implementation of the derived datatype:

  483         blockcounts[0] = parentPop[0].numInteger;
  484         blockcounts[1] = parentPop[0].numReal;
  485         blockcounts[2] = parentPop[0].numBinary;
  486         sum = 0;
  487         for(i=0; i<parentPop[0].numBinary; i++)
  488         {
  489             sum = sum + parentPop[0].nbits[i];
  490         }
  492         blockcounts[3] = sum;
  493         blockcounts[4] = parentPop[0].nobj;
  494         blockcounts[5] = parentPop[0].ncon;
  495         blockcounts[6] = 1;
  496         blockcounts[7] = 1;
  497         blockcounts[8] = 1;
  498         blockcounts[9] = parentPop[0].numInteger +

  506         types[0] = MPI_INT;
  507         types[1] = MPI_DOUBLE;
  508         types[2] = MPI_DOUBLE;
  509         types[3] = MPI_INT;
  510         types[4] = MPI_DOUBLE;
  511         types[5] = MPI_DOUBLE;
  512         types[6] = MPI_DOUBLE;
  513         types[7] = MPI_DOUBLE;
  514         types[8] = MPI_INT;
  515         types[9] = MPI_DOUBLE;
  517         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].intvar,
  518         printf("parentpop.indiv0 %ld disp %ld (%ld)\n",
&parentPop[0].indiv[0], disp, disp[0]);
  519         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].realvar,
  520         printf("disp 1 %ld\n", disp[1]);
  521         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].binvar,
  522         printf("disp 2 %ld\n", disp[2]);
523 MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].gene, &disp[3]);
  524         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].obj, &disp[4]);
  525         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].constr,
  527         MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].crowd_dist,
528 MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].rank, &disp[8]);
MPI_Get_address(&parentPop[0].indiv[0].strategyParameter, &disp[9]);
  530         base = disp[0];
  531         for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  532         {
  533             disp[i] -= base;
  534         }
  536         MPI_Type_create_struct(10, blockcounts, disp, types,
  538         /* Check that the datatype has correct extent */
  539         MPI_Type_extent(Individual, &extent);
  540         if(extent != sizeof(individual))
  541         {
  542             MPI_Datatype indold = Individual;
  543             MPI_Type_create_resized(indold, 0,
sizeof(individual), &Individual);
  544             MPI_Type_free(&indold);
  545         }
  546         MPI_Type_commit(&Individual);

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