On 08/29/08 19:27, Jeff Squyres wrote:
On Aug 29, 2008, at 10:48 AM, Rolf Vandevaart wrote:

In the file mpicxx.cc there is a declaration near the bottom that looks like this.


The preprocessor is going through that file and replacing LOCK_SHARED with 0x01. Then when it tries to compile it you are trying to compile a line that looks like this.

const int 0x01 = 2;

That is why you see the error.

Hmm. This hasn't changed in mpicxx.cc for a long time. What made it get activated now?

I think I touched upon this in my earlier post. There was a change in /usr/include/sys/synch.h Solaris header file. And one of the changes was adding the following line.

#define LOCK_SHARED     0x01            /* same as USYNC_PROCESS */

Therefore, we are seeing it on later versions of Solaris.




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