As usual, Dick is much more eloquent than me.  :-)

He also correctly pointed out to me in an off-list mail that in my first reply, I casually used the internal term "blocking progress" and probably sowed some of the initial seeds of confusion in this thread (because "blocking" has specific meaning in MPI parlance). Sorry about that.

What I should have said is that we have on our to-do list to effect a non-polling model of making message passing progress. As has been stated several times on this thread, OMPI currently polls for message passing progress. While you're in MPI_BCAST, it's quite possible/ likely that OMPI will poll hard until the BCAST is done. It is possible that a future version of OMPI will use a hybrid polling+non- polling approach for progress, such that if you call MPI_BCAST, we'll poll for a while. And if nothing "interesting" happens after a while (i.e., the BCAST hasn't finished and nothing else seems to be happening), we'll allow OMPI's internal progression engine to block/go to sleep until something interesting happens. We casually refer to this as "blocking progress" in OMPI developer circles, but we mean it in a very different way than the traditional "blocking" meaning for MPI communication.

Again, sorry about the confusion -- hopefully all the followups in this thread cleared up the issue.

On Sep 3, 2008, at 7:17 PM, Richard Treumann wrote:


1) Assume you are running an MPI program which has 16 tasks in MPI_COMM_WORLD, you have 16 dedicated CPUs and each task is single threaded. (a task is a distinct process, a process can contain one or more threads) The is the most common traditional model. In this model, when a task makes a blocking call, the CPU is used to poll the communication layer. With only one thread per task, there is no way the CPU can be given other useful work because the only thread is in the MPI_Bast and not available to compute. With nothing else for the CPU to do anyway, it may as well poll because that is likely to complete the blocking operation in shortest time. Polling is the right choice. You should not worry that the CPU is being "burned". It will not wear out.

2) Now assume you have the same number of tasks and CPUs but you have provided a compute thread and a communication thread in each task. At the moment you make an MPI_Bcast call on each task's communication thread you have unfinished computation that the CPUs could process on the compute threads. In this case you want the CPU to be released by the blocked MPI_Bcast so it can be used by the compute thread. The MPI_Bcast may take longer to complete because it is not burning the CPU but if useful computation is going forward you come out ahead. A non-polling mode for the blocking MPI_Bcast is the better option.

3) Take a third case - the CPUs are not dedicated to your MPI job. You have only one thread per task but when that thread is blocked in an MPI_Bcast you want other processes to be able to run. This is not a common situation in production environments but may be common in learning or development situations. Perhaps your MPI homework problem is running at the same time someone else is trying to compile theirs on the same nodes. In this case you really do not need the MPI_Bcast to finish in the shortest possible time and you do want the people who share the node with you to quit complaining. Again. a non-polling mode than gives up the CPU and lets your neighbors compilation run is best.

Which of these is closest to your situation? If it is situation 1, why would you care that CPU is burning? If it is situation 2 or 3 then you do have reason to care.


Dick Treumann - MPI Team
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Dept X2ZA / MS P963 -- 2455 South Road -- Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Tele (845) 433-7846 Fax (845) 433-8363 wrote on 09/03/2008 01:11:00 PM:

> [image removed]
> Re: [OMPI users] CPU burning in Wait state
> Vincent Rotival
> to:
> Open MPI Users
> 09/03/2008 01:15 PM
> Sent by:
> Please respond to Open MPI Users
> Eugene,
> No what I'd like is that when doing something like
> call mpi_bcast(data, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, .....)
> the program continues AFTER the Bcast is completed (so no control
> returned to user), but while threads with rank > 0 are waiting in Bcast
> they are not taking CPU resources
> I hope it is more clear, I apologize for not being clear in the first place
> Vincent
> Eugene Loh wrote:
> >
> > Vincent Rotival wrote:
> >
> >> The solution I retained was for the main thread to isend data
> >> separately to each other threads that are using Irecv + loop on
> >> mpi_test to test the  finish of the Irecv. It mught be dirty but
> >> works much better than using Bcast
> >
> > Thanks for the clarification.
> >
> > But this strikes me more as a question about the MPI standard than
> > about the Open MPI implementation. That is, what you really want is > > for the MPI API to support a non-blocking form of collectives. You
> > want control to return to the user program before the
> > barrier/bcast/etc. operation has completed.  That's an API change.
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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